Blog Repair

New Setup and Staying Busy

It’s been a while since I’ve had an update. I wasn’t able to get up to much in the apartment due to space and due to not having much of my gear moved down here yet. Towards the end of last year, we bought a house, and one of the great things was that the […]

Blog PC

Building an Unraid NAS Server

I decided it was time to move to a dedicated network-attached storage server, and chose decommissioned enterprise hardware and Unraid

Blog Repair

Takamine AccurAcoustic (AAP) Preamp Repair Video

As a follow-up to my previous post regarding the Takamine AAP repair, I’ve created a YouTube video.


Perpetual Procrastinator

I figured since I primarily work on older and vintage electronics, I needed something that sounded both positively extinct and very metal.